Stop Power Of Sale Mortgages

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The impact of mortgage Power of Sale can be devastating. Before you accept that Power Of Sale on your home or investment property is inevitable, consider trying to avoid it. In Ontario, the most common reason for Power of Sale is the dissolution of a marriage. And another reason right up there at the top is unemployment.

One of the most important decisions homeowners and real estate investors will make when facing Power of Sale is whether or not to hire a third party company to help them save the home. There is another option that is recommended for homeowners facing Power of sale is filing bankruptcy. The problem is that not only is Power of Sale devastating emotionally but also it can affect your credit for years to come.

At Private Lenders Ontario, whatever your financing situation, rest assured that, our team will work with you and provide professional advice on how to best cover your risks, discuss lending options, answer all your questions and provide you with a plan that will meet your financial needs and avoid Power of Sale. If you’ve gone through a power of sale, contact our team for a free consultation now.

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